NY Times COVID case data for mid-Atlantic USA in first two pandemic years, with additional columns
A dataset containing COVID cases and deaths for 6 US states and territories from 1 April 2020 to 31 March 2022.
Data frame with 4368 observations of 11 variables:
date Date, YYYY-MM-DD
state Character, name of US state or territory
cases Integer, reported daily COVID cases
cases_avg Numeric, rolling daily average number of cases within "state" in previous 2 weeks
cases_avg_per_100k Numeric, rolling daily average case rate per 100k residents in previous 2 weeks
deaths Integer, reported daily COVID-related deaths
deaths_avg Numeric, rolling daily average number of deaths within "state" in previous 2-weeks
deaths_avg_per_100k Numeric, rolling daily average death rate per 100k residents in previous 2 weeks
ref_case_rate Numeric, rolling daily average case rate per 100k residents in reference 2-week time period
nel_rate Numeric, case rate rescaled to reference and expressed in "nels"
prop_rate Numeric, case rate rescaled to reference and expressed as a proprtion of the reference rate
@source Data from The New York Times, based on reports from state and local health agencies. https://github.com/nytimes/covid-19-data