Convenience function to label rarity plots with scaling exponent

ellnotate(title = NULL, l, unicode_in_title = TRUE, ...)



Character string, or NULL.


Scaling exponent for the mean, can be any real number.


Logical, include unicode ell and its value.


Additional arguments passed to other functions.


ggplot object


myp <- rarity_plot(1:10, 0)
#>      `rarity_plot()` expects a square viewport (likely issues in the RStudio
#>      plotting device) and resizes points based on `min(dev.size()` and ``noco`
#>      (for number of columns).
#>      Selecting `lines = TRUE` will plot stacks of individuals as a line
#>      element, which tends to be more robust to window size.
#>      Setting `lines = TRUE` may be the best way to deal with overplotting,
#>      which results from several species with similar but not identical
#>      rarities.
#> [1] "diversity = 8.59586884212865" "community size = 55"         
#> [3] "max observed rarity = 55"     "min observed rarity = 5.5"   
myp +
 ellnotate("Hill-Shannon diversity", l = 0)