Ecologists must choose between diversity metrics that differ in interpretation, as well as numerical and statistical properties, to detect, describe, and predict biodiversity change. Hill diversities, a family that unites popular metrics, including Richness, Shannon’s entropy, and Simpson’s concentration, with a single equation, simplify this choice. The scaling parameter accommodates disparate diversity concepts by placing greater emphasis on common or rare types, and the resulting diversities use a common currency, the “effective” number of types . Even with this elegant unification, users must select values for the Hill diversity scaling parameter, and interpret the ecological significance of the resulting diversity. Concrete metaphors for the Hill diversity scaling, as well as guidance about the numerical and statistical properties of Hill diversity estimates, could facilitate that selection.
We present the R
MeanRarity, which enables estimating and visualizing
Hill diversity (aka “Hill numbers”) in terms of the average species
rarity, i.e the reciprocal of relative abundance. With
MeanRarity, users can compute mean rarity, generate
plots to visualize species abundance distributions and their average
rarity, and simulate abundance distributions with known diversity. To
illustrate the use of MeanRarity, we simulate species
abundance distributions that vary in shape but not richness, and
estimate assemblage diversity based on random samples from these
distributions. We investigate how the bias and variability of Hill
diversity estimates depend on the Hill diversity scaling parameter,
features of the abundance distribution such as evenness, and sampling
Our simulations reveal that Hill-Simpson diversity can be highly variable. Furthermore, the asymptotic estimator for Hill-Simpson diversity exhibited greater bias at low sample sizes than the asymptotic estimator for Hill diversities with intermediate scaling parameter values (including Hill-Shannon diversity). As previously reported, however, the bias is negligible for the asymptotic estimates for all Hill diversities with a scaling parameter less than about 0.25, once samples sizes were relatively large, for all species abundance distributions tested.
MeanRarity provides tools to students, researchers, and biostatisticians to understand and investigate Hill diversity metrics. Fixing diversity values, a priori, in simulated species abundance distributions enables replicable, targeted testing of numerical and statistical properties of Hill diversities and their estimators. Our simulations reveal that for both sample Hill diversities and asymptotic Hill diversity estimates, lower bias and variability may be possible for Hill diversities between Hill-Simpson diversity and richness for small, incomplete samples.
Hill numbers; biodiversity; sampling; species abundance distribution; R package; rarity; evenness; precision
Biodiversity underpins human existence and drives the character and function of earth’s ecosystems. At the same time, biodiversity is shifting and, arguably, declining, at an unprecedented rate due to anthropogenic global change. Yet, detecting and describing this change means choosing what quantities to measure, and how. Ecologists are faced with a dazzling array of choices.
Increasingly, Hill diversity or “Hill numbers”, a unified family of
diversity measures that includes variants of classical metrics such as
species richness and the Shannon and Simpson indices, have been put
forward as the appropriate metrics for biodiversity quantification (Roswell, Dushoff, and Winfree 2021; Chao et al. 2014;
Jost 2006; Sherwin et al. 2017; Chao and Chiu 2016; Chao, Ricotta, and
Aldo 2019; Chao and Jost 2015). Not only do Hill diversities
unite variants of the most popular diversity metrics with a single
equation 1 , but
they always express diversity on an “effective numbers” scale, which
arguably facilitates comparison and interpretation (Jost 2006; Roswell, Dushoff, and Winfree 2021).
However, despite the conceptual unity of Hill diversities, there is a
wide array of metrics that may be appropriate for a given case, opening
the questions of how to choose among them and to interpret differences
between them. Doing so demands intuition about the numerical,
biological, and statistical properties of these measures, which remain
under-explored. To facilitate such intuition, we developed the
package MeanRarity, which enables
estimating and visualizing Hill diversity in terms of the average
species “rarity.” Rarity is defined as the reciprocal of relative
The average species rarity may be simpler to interpret than a transformed, generalized entropy (i.e., how Hill dversity is typically derived (Jost 2006)). First, ecologists, accustomed to thinking about rarity in the context of diversity, may find it intuitive and useful to interpret Hill diversities as the average species rarity on different scales (Roswell, Dushoff, and Winfree 2021; Patil and Taillie 1982). Second, the rarity parameterization clarifies the role of the scaling exponent, and this R package provides illustration tools to visualize that scaling concretely. Furthermore, this framework may provide an entry point for developing and testing diversity estimators and their related interval estimates (e.g., confidence intervals); this package contains tools to simulate species abundance distributions that should streamline that process.
This R package provides functions for three purposes: (1) computing
Hill diversity as “Mean Rarity”, (2) visualizing and interpreting “Mean
Rarity”, and (3) simulating species abundance distributions with known
diversity. The package is available online on Github (see Data
accessibility). An interactive shiny
application for building “balance plots” is also available online ( In this
manuscript, we describe the core functions in the package, demonstrate
their application in a small study of bias and sampling variation in
Hill diversity estimates, and contrast MeanRarity with
several R
packages that provide similar and/ or
complementary functionality.
computes Hill diversity of a sample,
parameterized in terms of the mean rarity.
We define Hill diversity \(D\) as the mean species rarity in the assemblage
\[D=\left( \sum_{i=1}^{S}p_{i}(r_{i})^{\ell} \right)^{1/\ell} \tag{1}\]
where \(D\) is diversity or mean rarity, \(p_{i}\) is the relative abundance of species \(i\), \(r_{i}\) is the rarity of species \(i\) (defined as the reciprocal of \(p_{i}\)), \(S\) is the total species richness, and \(\ell\) is the scaling exponent that determines the type of mean computed (Roswell, Dushoff, and Winfree 2021).
Hill diversity is more commonly written as
\[D=\left( \sum_{i=1}^{S}p_{i}^{q} \right)^{1/1-q} \tag{2}\] When \(\ell = 0\) (\(q = 1\)), these equations are defined by their limit.
Equations 1 and 2 are equivalent when \(\ell = 1-q\). Re-parameterizing Hill diversity in terms of species rarity can provide conceptual tools that may aid understanding and interpretation. Equation 1 is a weighted mean rarity, where the weights (relative abundances, \(p_i\)) are factored out explicitly. Simplifying (as in Equation 2) hides the weighting by relative abundance, and may complicate attempts at interpretation.
JD: Not sure we need this text, there’s more about weights below.
“leads to” seems hard to justify:
leads to the claim that the scaling exponent is the "weight." The concrete meaning of "weight" when applied to $q$ in Equation 2 may be difficult to understand.
Because Equations 1 and 2 are algebraically equivalent,
rarity(x, l)
is equivalent to
vegan::renyi(x, scale = 1-l, hill = TRUE)
entropart::Diversity(x, 1-l, Correction = "None"))
, or the
output from iNEXT::estimateD(x)
order = 1-l
# for a totally even distribution, Hill diversity is the same regardless of `l`
even_comm <- rep(2, 6)
rarity(even_comm, 1) # richness
#> [1] 6
rarity(even_comm, -1) # Hill-Simpson
#> [1] 6
all.equal(rarity(even_comm, 0), rarity(even_comm, 0.34), rarity(even_comm, 1))
#> [1] TRUE
# for uneven communities, Hill diversity depends on `l`
uneven_comm <- c(20, 8, 5, 4, 2, 1)
l_vals <- c(1, 0, -1, 0.34)
data.frame(l = l_vals
, Hill = sapply(l_vals, function(l){
rarity(uneven_comm, l)})
#> l Hill
#> 1 1.00 6.000000
#> 2 0.00 4.057871
#> 3 -1.00 3.137255
#> 4 0.34 4.574320
One way of interpreting Hill diversities is that they express the diversity of an assemblage in terms of an imaginary assemblage with that same diversity, but in which all species are equally abundant (Jost 2006). The parameter \(\ell\), along with the distribution of abundances, determines where the equivalency lies (that is, what is the “effective number of species” for that assemblage). The MeanRarity package is designed to clarify what the choice of \(\ell\) reflects. Here, we explore how the choice of \(\ell\) creates different equivalencies.
It may be perplexing to claim that a single assemblage, say, the
uneven assemblage uneven_comm
, is simultaneously as diverse
as an assemblage of six (richness, l = 1
), four
(Hill-Shannon diversity, l = 0
), or three (Hill-Simpson
diversity, l = -1
) species. Furthermore, when
l = 1
, this assemblage is as diverse (or as species-rich)
as any assemblage with six species. At the same time, when
l = -1
, it is about as diverse as an assemblage with twice
the number of species and tremendous unevenness, or half the number of
species and perfect evenness:
uneven_12 <- c(493, 186, 101, 63, 41, 28, 19, 13, 9, 5, 3, 1)
even_3 <- c(20, 20, 20)
rarity(uneven_comm, -1) %>% round(2)
#> [1] 3.14
rarity(uneven_12, -1) %>% round(2)
#> [1] 3.14
rarity(even_3, -1) %>% round(2)
#> [1] 3
Many authors have described \(\ell\)
as a factor that weights species’ relative abundances - presumably
suggesting that downweighting rare species means a lower effective
diversity, while upweighting them means a higher effective diversity
(e.g., Chao et al. 2014; Haegeman et al. 2013;
Tuomisto 2010; Cao and Hawkins 2019). Another interpretation
(developed in this package) is that \(\ell\) rescales species
rarities. This interpretation lends itself to concrete
visualizations of Hill diversities as mean rarities, provided by
makes “balance plots,” introduced below,
to visualize mean rarity. The idea behind a balance plot is that means
measure the [weighted] center, or a balance point, for a set of values.
If one imagines a plank with many weights on it, where the balance point
lies depends not only on the size of the weights, but also on their
relative locations: the farther towards the ends of the plank a weight
lies, the more leverage it has. When describing diversity, there are
simple rules for the species weights ([relative] abundances) and where
they lie (their scaled rarities). The rarity scaling is given
by the exponent \(\ell\) from equation
1, passed to the argument l
. Here, we compare three balance
plots for the same data, but with different values of \(\ell\):
rich_bal <- rarity_plot(ab = uneven_comm, l = 1, base_size = 12) +
ggplot2::labs(x = "") +
seesaw_sugar("richness", l = 1)
#> [1] "diversity = 6" "community size = 40"
#> [3] "max observed rarity = 40" "min observed rarity = 2"
shan_bal <- white_y( # hide y axis
rarity_plot(ab = uneven_comm
, l = 0
, base_size = 12) +
seesaw_sugar("Hill-Shannon diversity", l = 0)
#> [1] "diversity = 4.05787109319726" "community size = 40"
#> [3] "max observed rarity = 40" "min observed rarity = 2"
simp_bal <- white_y(
rarity_plot(ab = uneven_comm
, l = -1
, base_size = 12) +
ggplot2::labs(x = "") +
seesaw_sugar("Hill-Simpson diversity", l = -1)
#> [1] "diversity = 3.13725490196078" "community size = 40"
#> [3] "max observed rarity = 40" "min observed rarity = 2"
In a balance plot, the species integer abundances are plotted on the
y-axis, species rarities on the x-axis (values are back-transformed, but
the plot scaling is dictated by l
), the mean is shown with
a triangular “fulcrum,” and reference points are illustrated for the
three Pythagorean means (i.e., arithmetic, geometric, and harmonic,
given when l = c(1, 0, -1)
, and equal to richness,
Hill-Shannon diversity, and Hill-Simpson diversity in purple, red, and
green respectively). By default, each
individual is plotted as a “block”, and species with the same rarity are
stacked vertically.
As the value of the scaling exponent, l
, increases,
large rarity values are compressed together, while small rarity values
are spread apart. A series of balance plots of the same abundances, but
with different l
values, shows this spreading and
compression precisely. Meanwhile, the weights of each species are
determined wholly by their abundances (visualized as a stack of blocks).
Balance plots illustrate that even though the weights do not change with
the scaling exponent, the mean (the balance point of the plot) shifts
with rescaling. In the first of the three plots below, the balance point
sits at the arithmetic mean (richness) at 6 (purple point). In the
second, the smaller rarities are shifted apart, while the larger rarity
are shifted together. The balance point shifts leftwards to the
geometric mean (Hill-Shannon diversity), at about 4.1 (red point). In
the third, the balance point shifts farther left still, to the harmonic
mean (Hill-Simpson diversity), at about 3.1 (green point).
rich_bal +
shan_bal +
simp_bal +
plot_layout(widths = ggplot2::unit(rep(2, 3), rep("in",3))
, heights = ggplot2::unit(rep(2, 3), rep("in",3))
In addition to using R code to adjust abundances and scaling parameters in code, users may experiment with balance plots using the R shiny web application that accompanies this package. JD: Maybe add a citation just to the URL as well, for robustness.
Traditionally, Hill numbers in ecology have considered scaling parameters of \(\ell \leq 1\) i.e., \(q \geq 0\). However, values outside this range may produce useful ecological metrics as well (Roswell, Harrison, and Genung 2023). Just as sample richness reflects density, total richness, and the distribution of relative abundances, sample Hill diversities with \(\ell > 1\) (\(q<0\)) reflect multiple community aspects and may be preferable to sample richness as an ad-hoc index of community size and complexity (Roswell, Harrison, and Genung 2023). One advantage of the \(\ell\)-formulation is that it makes transparent that although properties of the weighted mean shift around \(\ell = 1\) (increasing with observed evenness for \(\ell <1\), decreasing with evenness for \(\ell >1\)), species richness need not be the ultimate stopping point for emphasis on rare species.
Assessing the the performance of diversity estimators with real-world data is difficult, because ecological communities are not typically fully censused, and therefore the true diversity of sampled communities is not known. MeanRarity includes a tool to simulate species abundance distributions where diversity values are given as parameters. This way, true population diversity values are known. In order to achieve this, we simulate species abundance distributions with known, finite, true diversity, but infinite abundance, from which finite samples may be taken. JD: is ff. necessary? The diversity of a given sample from such a species abundance distribution is therefore not precisely pre-determined.
This approach differs from species abundance distribution simulations implemented in other R packages. For example, mobsim (May et al. 2018) and sads (Prado, Miranda, and Chalom 2022) allow users to specify continuous parametric probability distributions, but then take finite, discrete samples from those distributions in the simulation (in mobsim these can even be spatially explicit!). Users input canonical parameters of the probability distributions and the number of individuals to sample. These are powerful simulation tools, but one drawback common among them is that the simulated diversity resulting from any given set of parameter values is variable.
, by contrast, does not simulate individuals
explicitly. Instead, it always outputs precisely the same relative
abundances for a given set of parameters. By generating relative
abundances that do not depend on any kind of sampling scenario,
makes it easy to consistently distinguish the
true, assemblage-level diversity from diversity estimates computed from
JD: Maybe we need to discuss this. It certainly sounds efficient, but the differences seem insufficiently explained. Is the main point that our way makes it easy to calculate true diversities?
To visualize a realized or simulated species abundance distribution,
MeanRarity includes the convenience function
, which plots species [relative] abundances
against species ranks.
# set target richness and Hill-Simpson diversity levels
rich <- 20
simpson <- 12
even_SAD <- fit_SAD(rich = rich, simpson = simpson, distr = "lnorm")
#output is a list with three elements
#> $distribution_info
#> distribution fitted parameter
#> "lnorm" "0.800796499428736"
#> $community_info
#> richness Hill-Shannon Hill-Simpson
#> 20.00000 15.12064 12.00000
#> $rel_abundances
#> [1] 0.179084156 0.118048471 0.093645774 0.078786320 0.068255448 0.060160005
#> [7] 0.053607807 0.048109941 0.043370042 0.039194597 0.035449466 0.032036573
#> [13] 0.028880258 0.025918380 0.023095535 0.020356288 0.017635391 0.014837055
#> [19] 0.011769975 0.007758517
rich <- 20
simpson <- 6
uneven_SAD <- fit_SAD(rich = rich, simpson = simpson, distr = "lnorm")
ev <- radplot(even_SAD$rel_abundances, Whittaker = FALSE) +
# The default behavior is *not* to
# log-transform [relative] abundances (i.e. it does not, by default, generate
# a "Whitaker plot").
ggplot2::labs(y = "relative abundance", title =NULL)+
ggplot2::ylim(c(0, 0.4))
#> Scale for y is already present.
#> Adding another scale for y, which will replace the existing scale.
un <- radplot(uneven_SAD$rel_abundances) +
ggplot2::labs(y = "relative abundance", title =NULL) +
ggplot2::ylim(c(0, 0.4))
#> Scale for y is already present.
#> Adding another scale for y, which will replace the existing scale.
For a given distribution of relative abundances, it is possible to
ask, “what is the Hill diversity of this distribution?”,
comprehensively, by looking at how diversity changes across values of
\(\ell\) with a Hill “diversity
profile” (Chao et al. 2014).
MeanRarity provides a function to generate a Hill
diversity profile based on \(\ell\)
(rather than \(q\)):
. divpro()
does not estimate
asymptotic diversity values (as does, e.g.,
), rather it simply computes the Hill
diversity profile for the abundances supplied by the argument
. As with all MeanRarity functions,
can take any real value for the parameter
(Roswell, Harrison, and Genung
# the even and uneven communities have same richness but different Hill
# diversity when `ell != 1`
proPlot <- function(ab){
, ggplot2::aes(ell, d)) +
ggplot2::geom_line() +
ggplot2::ylim(0,22) +
ggplot2::labs(x = "scaling exponent \'l\'", y = "Hill diversity")
ev_prof <- proPlot(even_SAD$rel_abundances)
un_prof <- proPlot(uneven_SAD$rel_abundances)
generates an ideal species abundance
distribution, with relative abundances for an assemblage with infinite
abundance. In the MeanRarity package, to take a finite
sample from an ideal species abundance distribution, we use
(so named because it samples an infinite
SAD; sample_finite()
is for sub-sampling from a realized
assemblage/finite sample).
JD: should we consider saying “sample_from_x” instead?
# diversity of a small sample unlikely to match the simulated diversity values
# first, sample from our simulated SADs
even_sample <- sample_infinite(even_SAD$rel_abundances, 50)
uneven_sample <- sample_infinite(uneven_SAD$rel_abundances, 50)
# `sample_infinite()` returns a numeric vector of sample species abundances
#> [1] 9 7 4 4 4 0 3 5 4 3 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 2 2 0
#> [1] 16 13 10 1 2 1 1 3 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
# we can compare evenness (given a scaling parameter `l`)
# the evenness is the normalized ratio of the specified Hill diversity to
# richness
## JD: Why is it e3fun? Do we want this here? Not that it hurts, but maybe just simplify?
e3Fun(even_sample, -1)
#> [1] 0.6985112
e3Fun(uneven_sample, -1)
#> [1] 0.3595588
# compare diversity from sample vs. ideal SAD:
# likely pretty far off for a small sample!
# with an even SAD, all diversities lower
#> richness Hill-Shannon Hill-Simpson
#> 20.00000 15.12064 12.00000
rbind(lapply(c(1, 0, -1), function(l){
rarity(even_sample, l)
})) %>%
`colnames<-`(c("richness", "Hill-Shannon", "Hill-Simpson"))
#> richness Hill-Shannon Hill-Simpson
#> [1,] 14 11.61447 10.08065
# with an uneven SAD, sample Hill-Simpson can be higher than true Hill-Simpson
# richness is always lower
#> richness Hill-Shannon Hill-Simpson
#> 20.000000 9.370171 6.000000
rbind(lapply(c(1, 0, -1), function(l){
rarity(uneven_sample, l)
})) %>%
`colnames<-`(c("richness", "Hill-Shannon", "Hill-Simpson"))
#> richness Hill-Shannon Hill-Simpson
#> [1,] 11 6.072365 4.595588
big_even_sample <- sample_infinite(even_SAD$rel_abundances, 1e7)
big_uneven_sample <- sample_infinite(uneven_SAD$rel_abundances, 1e7)
# with a big enough sample, simulated diversities nearly recovered
#> richness Hill-Shannon Hill-Simpson
#> 20.00000 15.12064 12.00000
rbind(lapply(c(1, 0, -1), function(l){
rarity(big_even_sample, l)
})) %>%
`colnames<-`(c("richness", "Hill-Shannon", "Hill-Simpson"))
#> richness Hill-Shannon Hill-Simpson
#> [1,] 20 15.12556 12.00791
#> richness Hill-Shannon Hill-Simpson
#> 20.000000 9.370171 6.000000
rbind(lapply(c(1, 0, -1), function(l){
rarity(big_uneven_sample, l)
})) %>%
`colnames<-`(c("richness", "Hill-Shannon", "Hill-Simpson"))
#> richness Hill-Shannon Hill-Simpson
#> [1,] 20 9.372457 6.001216
JD: Maybe add an older cite, too, if we’re saying “notoriously”. Accurate estimates of Hill diversity based on sample data are notoriously challenging (Roswell, Dushoff, and Winfree 2021). Although many estimators have been used, the three most common approaches are to a) calculate the diversity of samples directly, treating this as a sample-size-dependent diversity measure (i.e. “sample diversity” (Smith and Grassle 1977)), b) calculate the diversity of the sample directly, but treat this as an estimate of the diversity of the entire assemblage (sometimes called the “plug-in estimator”) (CITE SOMEBODY), or c) use non-parametric estimators of the diversity of the entire assemblage, or an “asymptotic estimator” (Chao and Jost 2015). All three approaches may have merit for comparing communities and ecosystems (Gooriah et al. 2021) . While the degree to which sample diversity and asymptotic estimates each differ from the true diversity of the full assemblage (bias) has received substantial study, the sampling variation in each type of Hill diversity estimate is less understood, as are potential differences in this variation between sample diversities and their asymptotic estimators. MeanRarity provides a toolkit to explore accuracy and sampling uncertainty for Hill diversity estimates. Because this package simulates species abundance distributions with known diversity, it allows examination of the drivers of sampling variation in Hill diversity estimates. JD: This can be discussed a little. If we’re going to go into “plug-ins” we do need to be clear what it means to “treat” these statistics differently. It is well known that the diversity of a sample tends to be lower than the diversity of the assemblage from which the sample was drawn (Chao and Jost 2015). This “bias” (i.e., when sample diversity is used as a “plug-in” estimator for the true, assemblage-level diversity, rather than as its own index Smith and Grassle (1977)) is most acute for species richness, but can be substantial for all Hill diversities. The degree of mismatch between the sample and true diversity is difficult to know with real assemblages, but this can be addressed through simulation. Available asymptotic Hill diversity estimators (Chao and Jost 2015) typically exhibit little bias when sample sizes are reasonably large (hundreds of individuals) and \(\ell \lesssim 0.25\). Less well-understood is how different features of the species abundance distribution (e.g. evenness, or just how rare the rarest species are) drive the degree of difference between either sampled diversity or asymptotic estimators, and the true diversity of the sampled species abundance distribution.
JD: Maybe unpack a bit earlier: the naïve estimators and the sample-based estimator are the same estimator, right? Maybe say that a bit more explicitly, and then talk about using that estimator as a plugin vs. sample value? Took out a parenthesis from the first s. below because it would take a lot of unravelling and will be addressed clearly soon. Similarly, sampling variation in Hill diversity estimates is poorly understood. Intuitively, sampling variability in Hill diversity estimates must depend jointly on sample size, the species abundance distribution, and the scaling exponent for Hill diversity. However, users of Hill diversity currently lack guidance on the relationship between their metric choice and the sampling variability they might expect. Variability, along with bias, is an important consideration when selecting a diversity metric. Especially when the number of replicates is modest, as is often the case in ecological studies, inaccuracy due to sampling variability can be as misleading as bias (Gelman and Carlin 2014).
To explore how the shape of the species abundance distribution and
sample size drive the sampling expectations for sample and asymptotic
Hill diversity estimates, we can first simulate species abundance
distributions using the function MeanRarity::fitSAD()
Here, we generated six distributions: for three levels of evenness, we
simulated both a lognormally- and gamma-distributed assemblage of 100
species. To parameterize evenness, we used (Hill-Simpson diversity
-1)/(richness-1), which is equal to 1 with a perfectly even
species-abundance distribution, and 0 when Hill-Simpson diversity
reaches its minimum, 1, for any richness value (Kvalseth 1991; Chao, Ricotta, and Aldo 2019).
Thus, in each simulated assemblage, we know richness to be 100,
Hill-Simpson takes one of three values given by the evenness parameter,
and other Hill diversities depend on the distributional assumption
(gamma or lognormal).
returns species relative abundances
(a SAD), and we generate finite, discrete abundance samples with the
function MeanRarity::sample_infinite()
. Here, we generated
1000 samples from each simulated SAD of 31, 100, 316, and 1000
individuals. Then, for each sample, we computed Hill diversity profiles
for both the sample and estimated asymptotic Hill diversities. For each
combination of SAD, sample size, and estimate type (i.e., sample,
“naïve,” or asymptotic) we plotted measures of total error, variability,
and bias along the Hill diversity profile from Hill-Simpson diversity to
richness. For total error, we plotted the root mean squared log ratio
between each estimate and the target value (i.e mean sample diversity or
true diversity), hereafter “rmsle.” For bias, we plotted the log ratio
between the Hill diversity estimate and its target, and for variability
we plotted the standard deviation of the log Hill diversity (a unitless
measure of variability). Mean squared log error is the sum of the
squared bias and the variance in the log diversity estimates. We asked,
on a relative scale, how choice of scaling exponent for Hill diversity
affects total error, bias, and sampling variability, and explored the
interactions with evenness, distributional assumption, and sample
The diversity of a sample of fixed size was a stable, accurate measure of rarefied diversity across all the SADs we tested. The total error, greatest for Hill-Simpson diversity, when samples were smaller, and for less even SADs, shrank quickly as sample sizes increased, and was driven entirely by sampling variability, as the sample diversity is a natural unbiased estimator for the expected diversity of a random sample of a given size. Most surprising for us was that the variability for sample diversity was typically highest for Hill-Simpson diversity than for other Hill diversities, until sample sizes got quite large. Although the shape of the SAD (e.g. “lnorm” vs. “gamma”) affected the variability in sample Hill diversity, how it does so appeared to depend on both the Hill scaling exponent and sample size.
The diversity of a sample of fixed size was a stable, but inaccurate measure of true diversity, as has been extensively reported elsewhere (REFS). Although the variability of the naïve estimator is identical to the variability in sample diversity, the bias, i.e. the ratio between sample and true diversity, depends jointly on the choice of Hill scaling exponent, the SAD, and sampling completeness (Roswell, Dushoff, and Winfree 2021).
We found a strong negative bias for species richness for the asymptotic estimator, as well as for the naïve estimator, but when sample diversity is interpreted at the sampling level, it has no “bias” by definition (CITE Smith and Grassle, Hurlbert, Dauby & Hardy). Evenness and distributional assumption of the SAD affected the bias for both the naïve and asymptotic Hill diversity estimates. More even communities tended to exhibit lower bias for richness but higher bias for Hill-Simpson diversity, although this pattern depended to some degree on both distributional assumption and sampling intensity. For the asymptotic Hill diversity estimates, bias at very low sample sizes was less than sample diversity but could still be extreme. However, this bias evaporated quickly for both sample and asymptotic Hill diversity estimates when the scaling exponent \(\ell << 1\).
JD: I’m wondering if we can find a bit more insight here. Hill-Simpson is probably pretty sensitive to evenness – I’m not spelling out why this bias suddenly makes sense to me yet, because maybe you already thought of it. And of course the other bias clearly makes sense. Like I keep telling everyone: Hill-Shannon is the Goldilocks estimator!
JD: Stopping here, will try to get back soon. Should have a strategy session soon for big-picture stuff (some stuff needs to be in an appendix or something I think). What is the target and who are the authors?
purrr::map(c("lnorm", "gamma", "invgamma"), function(dist){
myp <- err_plot_data %>%
dplyr::mutate(plugin_sdlog = sample_sdlog) %>%
tidyr::pivot_longer(c(5:12, 16)
, names_to = c("est", "err_type")
, names_pattern = "(.*)_(.*)"
, values_to = "this_error"
) %>%
dplyr::mutate(err_type = factor(err_type
, levels = c("rmsle", "sdlog", "bias")
, labels = c("Average proportional error"
, "Proportional \nVariability"
, "Proportional Bias")
, est = dplyr::if_else(est == "estimator", "asymptotic"
, dplyr::if_else(est == "naive"
, "plug-in"
, "sample"))
) %>%
# dplyr::mutate(this_error = dplyr::if_else(abs(this_error) > 2
# , sign(this_error) * Inf
# , this_error) # workaround
# # to get big values on plot given geom_line, I think
# , this_error = round(this_error, 11)) %>%
# # and here, to get 0-values to look like 0.
dplyr::filter(distribution == dist #
) %>%
ggplot2::ggplot(ggplot2::aes(x = ell
, color = evenness)) +
ggplot2::geom_line(ggplot2::aes(y = this_error #exp(this_error)
, linetype = est), linewidth = 0.8) +
ggplot2::geom_hline(yintercept = 0) +
ggplot2::theme(strip.background = ggplot2::element_blank()
, strip.placement.y = "outside"
, panel.spacing.x = ggplot2::unit(1.3, "lines")
, panel.spacing.y = ggplot2::unit(1.3, "lines")
, legend.key.width = ggplot2::unit(2, "lines")
) +
ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(limits = c(-1,1)
) +
# ratioScales::scale_y_ratio(slashStar = FALSE, anchor = 1) +
labels = ratioScales::label_divMult(logscale = TRUE, slashStar = FALSE)
, breaks = log(c(0.2, 0.5, 1/1.5, 1/1.2, 1, 1.2, 1.5, 2, 5))
) +
ggplot2::scale_color_manual(values = hcl.colors(4
, palette = "SunsetDark")[1:3]
) +
ggplot2::scale_linetype_manual(values = c("solid", "dashed", "dotted")) +
, labeller = ggplot2::labeller(
sample_size = ggplot2::label_both
, err_type = ggplot2::label_value
, scales = "free_y"
# , space = "free_y"
, switch = "y"
) +
ggplot2::labs(x = "scaling exponent \U2113"
, y = ""
, linetype = "estimator"
) +
ggplot2::geom_hline(yintercept = 0, size = 0.2)
#> Warning: Using `size` aesthetic for lines was deprecated in ggplot2 3.4.0.
#> ℹ Please use `linewidth` instead.
#> This warning is displayed once every 8 hours.
#> Call `lifecycle::last_lifecycle_warnings()` to see where this warning was
#> generated.
#> Warning: Removed 180 rows containing missing values or values outside the scale range
#> (`geom_line()`).
#> Warning: Removed 180 rows containing missing values or values outside the scale range
#> (`geom_line()`).
#> Warning: Removed 180 rows containing missing values or values outside the scale range
#> (`geom_line()`).
#> [[1]]
#> Warning: Removed 180 rows containing missing values or values outside the scale range
#> (`geom_line()`).
#> [[2]]
#> Warning: Removed 180 rows containing missing values or values outside the scale range
#> (`geom_line()`).
#> [[3]]
#> Warning: Removed 180 rows containing missing values or values outside the scale range
#> (`geom_line()`).
Figure X: Hill-Simpson diversity estimates have high variability under random sampling.
# # Was curious about the parameter space in which the plug-in estimator
# # actually outperforms the Chao and Jost 2015 estimator
# occam <- err_plot_data %>%
# dplyr::group_by(evenness, distribution, ell, sample_size) %>%
# dplyr::summarize(total = estimator_rmsle > naive_rmsle
# , bias = abs(estimator_bias) > abs(naive_bias)
# , variability = estimator_sdlog > sample_sdlog)
# occam %>%
# dplyr::filter(total %in% c(TRUE, FALSE)) %>%
# ggplot2::ggplot(ggplot2::aes(total, ell
# , color = as.factor(sample_size), shape = distribution ))+
# ggplot2::geom_jitter(height = 0, width = 0.4)+
# ggplot2::scale_color_manual(values = hcl.colors(4, "Plasma")) +
# ggplot2::facet_wrap(~evenness)+
# ggplot2::labs(x = "plug-in estimator beats Chao (rmsle)")+
# ggplot2::ylim(c(-1, 1))
# occam %>%
# dplyr::filter(bias %in% c(TRUE, FALSE)) %>%
# ggplot2::ggplot(ggplot2::aes(bias, ell, color = as.factor(sample_size), shape = distribution ))+
# ggplot2::geom_jitter(height = 0, width = 0.4)+
# ggplot2::scale_color_manual(values = hcl.colors(4, "Plasma")) +
# ggplot2::facet_wrap(~evenness)+
# ggplot2::labs(x = "plug-in estimator beats Chao (log accuracy ratio)")+
# ggplot2::ylim(c(-1, 1))
# occam %>%
# dplyr::filter(variability %in% c(TRUE, FALSE)) %>%
# ggplot2::ggplot(ggplot2::aes(variability, ell
# , color = as.factor(sample_size), shape = distribution ))+
# ggplot2::geom_jitter(height = 0, width = 0.4)+
# ggplot2::scale_color_manual(values = hcl.colors(4, "Plasma")) +
# ggplot2::facet_wrap(~evenness)+
# ggplot2::labs(x = "plug-in estimator beats Chao (sdlog)")+
# ggplot2::ylim(c(-1, 1))
Much less explored is the variability of both sample diversity, and of asymptotic diversity estimates, under random sampling expectations. Here, our results were striking, and challenged the orthodoxy that Hill-Simpson diversity is the low-uncertainty option for comparing assemblages Haegeman et al. (2013) . The sample Hill-Simpson diversity, which has been promoted as a diversity metric that is robust to variation in sampling intensity (Chase and Knight 2013), exhibited high sampling uncertainty for most SADs and sampling intensities… greater variability than for any other sample Hill diversity. Across Hill diversities, the asymptotic estimator was typically more variable than the sample diversity was. This was especially the case for richness. While the sampling variability in the asymptotic Hill-Simpson diversity was still higher than for the asymptotic Hill-Shannon diversity, as we saw for the sample diversity, as the scaling exponent \(\ell\) approached 1 (i.e. increased emphasis on rare species, closer to richness), the variability was high and declined slowly with additional sampling. Depending on the evenness and distributional assumption of the SAD, the asymptotic richness estimate could be more, or less, variable than the asymptotic Hill-Simpson diversity estimate.
Functions to generate similar diversity estimates and assemblage simulations are available in several R packages. Here, we briefly introduce many of these packages and contrast their functionality and implementations with our own.
iNEXT The R package iNEXT
provides tools for rarefaction and extrapolation of sample Hill
diversity estimates, and point estimates for asymptotic estimators for
richness, Hill-Shannon, and Hill-Simpson. It computes sample Hill
diversity for \(\ell\leq 1 = q \geq
0\). By contrast, the function MeanRarity::rarity()
also computes mean rarity when \(\ell>1\) (Roswell, Harrison, and Genung 2023). Although
estimates from iNEXT and MeanRarity
should tend to be congruent for \(\ell =
1-q\), MeanRarity provides users with the option to use \(\ell\) throughout, emphasizing the
MeanRarity framework developed in Roswell et al. 2021 (Roswell, Dushoff, and Winfree 2021).
iNEXT functions are highly integrated, generating
multiple outputs and computing bootstrapped variance estimates by
default, whereas in MeanRarity most exported functions
are comparatively simple. MeanRarity enables
parameterizing Hill diversity with q
or l
, and
provides tools for simulating species abundance distributions and
visualizing mean rarity, which iNEXT does not, this may
make MeanRarity best suited to students and those
studying biodiversity estimation. iNEXT is well-suited
to plotting empirical diversity data from a small to modest number of
SpadeR The R package SpadeR
provides similar estimates for Hill diversity as iNEXT,
also parameterized by \(q\) rather than
\(\ell\) (MeanRarity
allows either parameterization, defaulting to \(\ell\)). SpadeR::Diversity
like MeanRarity::divpro
, generates a Hill diversity
“profile”. Internal functions from SpadeR
are used as
source code in MeanRarity (e.g. a simplified version
is an exported function in
MeanRarity). While SpadeR
provides a suite
of tools for estimating alpha- and beta-diversity,
MeanRarity provides additional tools for simulation,
visualization, and alternative parameterization with \(\ell\).
vegan The R
vegan contains a multitude of tools for comparing
community data in R
. Like MeanRarity,
vegan contains tools to estimate Hill diversity
(vegan::renyi(..., hill = TRUE)
), rarefy datasets
), and fit parametric distributions to
abundance vectors (vegan::fisherfit()
). While
vegan is highly versatile, historical artifacts may
lead to confusion about Hill diversity. For example,
vegan::diversity(x, "invsimpson") == 1/(1-vegan::diversity(x, "simpson"))
although users might reasonably assume that
vegan::diversity(x, "invsimpson") == 1/vegan::diversity(x, "simpson")
MeanRarity focuses on the interpretation of Hill
diversities as the average of scaled species rarities, to dispel
sads The R package sads
provides functions to fit parametric distributions to abundance vectors
using maximum-likelihood. The function `sads::rsad()
, like
, generates abundance vectors based on
parametric distributions for true species abundance distributions. While
returns integer-abundance for a simulated
sample from a parametric species abundance distribution,
returns relative abundances for the
underlying distribution itself. MeanRarity::fit_SAD
on the functionality of sads::rsad
by enabling users to
parameterize the underlying species abundance distributions by both true
richness and true Hill-Simpson diversity, rather than richness
mobsim The R package mobsim
expands on the simulations provided by sads to generate
spatially-explicit simulations. Unlike MeanRarity,
mobsim provides tools to simulate and estimate
diversity-area relationships. However, in mobsim, the
diversity of an assemblage is an outcome of a simulation, rather than an
input, whereas MeanRarity::fit_SAD()
allows users to input
diversity directly, and sample from a distribution with known diversity
with MeanRarity::sample_infinite()
. These functionalities
enable complementary approaches to studying the behavior of diversity
estimates under different sampling scenarios.
entropart The Diversity()
in entropart computes several estimators of Hill
diversities (and several relevant monotonic transformations) for any
real value of q = 1-l
, and with the option
Correction = "None"
is congruent with
. entropart uses
entropy, rather than mean rarity, as the conceptual starting point, and
includes several entropy-focused estimation tools beyond those included
in MeanRarity, spadeR,
iNEXT, or vegan.
EntropyEstimation Zhang and Grabchak 2014
provided novel entropy estimators, and this package implements their
estimators across a variety of entropy-based diversity indices. The
function EntropyEstimation::Hill.z()
computes the
exponentiated estimated Renyi entropy (a.k.a. Hill diversity) for order
\(r = 1-l\). For comparison with other
Hill diversity estimators, users are referred to
Richness This package is available from Github and provides the
function RichnessEsts()
, which generates point estimates
for asymptotic species richness using a variety of methods, including
the novel one introduces in Tekwa et al.(Tekwa et
al. 2023). This new estimator is not generalized to all Hill
diversities, which are the focus of
The R
package MeanRarity enables a
coherent study of Hill diversity metrics through the framework of
average species rarity. As Hill diversity metrics gain popularity,
MeanRarity provides tools to estimate and visualize
them, and enables continuing research into the properties of these
metrics. MeanRarity also facilitates simulating
assemblages with known diversity, which is not easily done with other
popular software packages for biodiversity science. To illustrate the
use of the package in a research program, we tested how different
distributions of relative abundance in assemblages drives sampling
uncertainty in Hill diversity estimators. We found that Hill-Simpson
diversity and its asymptotic estimator, which have been promoted as
stable, robust measures of biodiversity due to relative emphasis on
common, rather than rare species, exhibit high variability, especially
in the presence of low evenness and very rare species.
This article does not use any empirical data. The package is available on Github (SOME KIND OF URL OR DOI REF).