A simulated dataset with rmse and mean absolute error for different
approaches to estimating the true (asymptotic) Hill diversity based on finite
samples from simulated species abundance distributions. Hill diversity was
estimated with the naïve estimator, rarity(sample_freq, l)
, the Chao and
Jost 2015 non-parametric asymptotic estimator Chao_Hill_abu(sample_freq, l)
, and God's estimator GUE(sample_freq, true_freq, l)
A data.frame with 2376 rows and 8 variables:
ell: Scalar, scaling parameter for Hill diversity
distribution Factor, family, one of "lnorm" or "gamma"
fitted.parameter Factor, shape parameter for fitting SAD
n: Numeric, individuals sampled
SAD: Integer, index of SAD sampled
estimator Character, estimator whose error is described
rmse Numeric, root mean squared error of estimator
bias Numeric, mean difference between estimator and true diversity
Chao A, Jost L (2015). “Estimating diversity and entropy profiles via discovery rates of new species.” Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 6(8), 873--882. ISSN 2041210X, doi:10.1111/2041-21 .