Wrapper for qgamma
, qinvgamma
and qlnorm
that takes the number of species and a shape
parameter and gives relative abundance estimates for each species.
try_SAD(rich, x, distr)
Integer, the total number of species in the species abundance distribution.
Non-negative scalar, the shape parameter for a gamma distribution.
Character string, one of c("lnorm", "gamma")
try_SAD(rich = 10, x = 0.2, distr = "lnorm")
#> [1] 30606.59 27099.94 25207.53 23791.03 22587.06 21479.79 20392.77 19246.84
#> [9] 17902.82 15851.66
try_SAD(rich = 10, x = 2, distr = "lnorm")
#> [1] 591080.3564 175056.9763 84878.7885 47602.5178 28319.9758 17131.5540
#> [7] 10192.0070 5715.9769 2771.4702 820.8109
try_SAD(rich = 10, x = 0.2, distr = "gamma")
#> [1] 5.152629e+01 1.961988e+01 8.942958e+00 4.045657e+00 1.688655e+00
#> [6] 6.081871e-01 1.718565e-01 3.187963e-02 2.477746e-03 1.019607e-05
try_SAD(rich = 10, x = 2, distr = "gamma")
#> [1] 23.719323 16.862208 13.463173 11.094223 9.217835 7.617366 6.175218
#> [8] 4.806394 3.416193 1.776808
if (FALSE) try_SAD(rich = 10, x = -1, distr = "lnorm")
try_SAD(rich = 10, x = -1, distr = "gamma")
#> Error in try_SAD(rich = 10, x = -1, distr = "gamma"): shape parameter `x` must be non-negative;
#> positive if distr = `gamma`
try_SAD(rich = 10, x = 0, distr = "gamma")
#> Error in try_SAD(rich = 10, x = 0, distr = "gamma"): x must be positive